012: With Josh Kalderimis
This week we had a lot of fun talking to Josh, co-founder and CEO of Travis CI. Ghost's code is being checked multiple times a day on Travis, as well as a large number of other open source and closed source projects. Josh gave us some insight into how Travis came to be, why Travis is called Travis, what's next for it, and a boatload of technical details!
Show notes
- Instance automation tools
- People and origins
- Envy Labs
- Giles Cornu
- Pat Allen on Twitter: @pat, Github: pat
- Pat's blog article about donating time to charities (did not find the talk, if anyone can link us, that'd be great)
- Thinking Sphinx, a library to connect ActiveRecord and Sphinx search daemon (Pat's work)
- Travis on Bob the Builder (has sound :) )
- Team collaboration
- Campfire
- Squiggle
- Flowdock
- Monitoring and logging
- Librato Metrics
- Opsgenie
- Statuspage
- Sentry
- Papertrail
- Get in touch with Josh
- Twitter: @h2j
- Github: https://github.com/joshk
- Josh's blog: http://bitsandthoughts.com/ (which still has
the only onetwo postsfrom Octoberat the time of writing :P )