005: Community and Support with Andy Boutte and David Balderston
We talked about documentation and support on allaboutghost.com and howtoinstallghost.com with the creators: Andy Boutte (who also did QA testing in early days for Ghost) and David Balderston. We touched on building and maintaining a community, their book they wrote with Kezz Bracey and their new site: allghostthemes.com.
Show notes:
- Issues
- #2312: Whether to fork showdown / or fix it up. Most probably a fork, some fixes, replacing it later
- #2148: Adding RPC pings for better SEO
- #2149: Tag escaping / html
- #2415: Adding more data to the fixtures (beginner)
- #2416: Modals (ember)
- #2417: Notifications (ember)
- #2418: Popovers (ember)
- #2347: Pagination in API (discussion)
- JSON Generator: Cool little utility to create fake json mocks
- Packt publishing: They are the publishers for Kezz's, Andy's and David's book
- Ghost forums: for any questions that you can't find the answer to on howtoinstallghost.com or allaboutghost.com